Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Arroz Caldo ala Pobre and ala Sosyal

Sigh!!! My laziness is starting to get the best of me.  I know i can continue with this blogging thing. Siguro I am just tired due to my activities last night plus I had less than the required number of sleeping hours.  Anyways, I have to shake this.  Otherwise, I won't be able to finish this blog...

The end of May is fast approaching.  Barely a week remains on the 5th month of the year.  Another month and we're halfway down 2010.  Ano na ba nangyari?  Anong bago for 2010? I was really hoping when 2009 ended that 2010 will be better than the previous year.  Tsk tsk tsk.  It was worse!  The only project that we were able to land is still up in the air.  Well, at least, we were paid 50% of our fee.  But we're more concerned of being productive rather than staying home and act like pensioners.  Teka! My business partner is already on pension.  Ha ha ha!!! Ako lang pala ang acting like a pensioner.  Talking of my business partner, he is such a sweet person.  When I came here in the US, he was the one who acted as my father here.  He signed up for my first apartment, my first car, basically everything to help me with get settled here in the US.  Kaya even if he is super kulit to the max (tama ba yung expression ko?), I consider him as my second father, a friend, a confidant.  In the event that we have to close shop (I hope not!), for sure, we will still be in constant communication. 

Going back...This year I think I really hit bottom.  I am literally scrapping the bottom of my financial barrel.  Konti na lang baka di na ako makabayad ng bills ko.  But you know what?  For some reasons, I am still able to!  I am then reminded of a line from a Christmas song:

"And when we worry and we can’t sleep
 We’ll count our blessings instead of sheep
 And we’ll fall asleep counting our blessing"

"And when our bankroll is getting small
 We’ll think about the time when we had none at all
 And we’ll fall asleep counting our blessings"
                   - from "Christmas Medley", Ray Conniff Singers, 1962

There are times when in the middle of the night, I would wake up and then worries take a grip on me, especially when I think about the financial quagmire I am in right now but I will not delve into details.  Don't get me wrong.  I am not looking for symphaties for my situation.  I do just fine, thank you.  But what I want to drive at is that when you're on a crossroad with one leading to despair and one hope, choose HOPE.  I don't know why I am blogging about this but if this will help at least one person nearing despair, I'm urging him: DON'T!  Help is on its way.  I promise you!!!  Up to now, nababayaran ko pa naman ang bills ko.  I still have a roof over my head on which our loan by the way, we were able to modify, and bring down our monthly payment by as much as 81% of what we used to pay.  Talk about GRACE!!!  If that's not a BLESSING, then what?

Recession, recession, recession.  That's a topic for another day.  For now, as promised, I am posting the recipe for Chicken Arroz Caldo ala Pobre and ala Sosyal.


 The Ingredients
1/2 cup regular rice
1/2 cup malagkit na bigas
1-1/2 lb chicken wings, cut into 2 pieces OR
             chicken legs cut into 3-4 pieces
2-4 Eggs, boiled
1 head Garlic
1/2 medium Onion
1 tbs finely chopped Ginger
fish sauce, pepper, saffron flower, onion spring
5 cups water
calamansi or lemon

Brown about 3/4 of the finely chopped garlic. Set aside. Saute remaining garlic, onion and ginger and chicken. Put the regular rice and malagkit.  Add fish sauce to taste, mix and simmer for 5 mins. Add water and stir for 10 mins. Add boiled egg, pepper, saffron flower and onion spring.  Serve in a bowl, sprinkled with browned garlic and with calamansi or lemon on the side.

Substitute the regular and malagkit rice with 2-1/2 cups of left over rice, the chicken parts with chicken bouillon.  The boiled egg is the main "meat".  Cook as directed above. Kung walang itlog, pwede din.  Lugaw na tawag dyan. :D

Another blog has ended, another one to start.  I hope you, my good readers, will spread this around.  And please click and check out the ads I placed within my blog.  This could help me earn a living..he he he...Godspeed.

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