Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Got It!!!

I was finally able to correct the name (as you can see!)...way cool...I think I can get the hang of this...'til next...


So this is what blogging is. This "page" was supposed to be named "Buhay Banyaga" which roughly means life of a foreigner. The reason for this is because i am a foreigner living in a land other than my own. More on that to follow.

So the title of this blog is "genesis". Aptly named because this is the start of my blog. Funny thing is, instead of just the title for the blog, it became the Main Name of this page (as mentioned earlier).

I'm partially techie, middle of the road, know-some-kinda on stuff about computer and all (how? i don't know either!) so preparing this blog was somewhat new to me.

Anyways, this is a start and i hope i could impart "wisdom" to all of you out there who'll be an avid follower of this blog. I'm apoligizing in advance for future blogs which will be in my native tongue (pinoy that is!).

So here's for a good start!